German Shepherd
The All Purpose Henna Shampoo We call this the ‘Shine’ shampoo as it features natural Henna extracts that impart a beautiful gloss and shine to your dog’s coat.
Shampoo for Sensitive Skin of German Shepherd
Plush Puppy Sensitive Skin Shampoo is a gentle yet cleansing dog wash that removes dirt and allergens whilst soothing sensitive skin. Helps healing and soothing of irritated, itchy and sensitive skin.
Super Coat Repair Recipe for GSD’s sensitive Skin
The ultimate intensive conditioning treatment that will bring a dry or damaged coat back to life. Known as the protein pack, mixture of Plush Puppy Coat Rescue and Seabreeze Oil . Coat rescue is a restorative coat treatment that adds strength and elasticity to Damaged & Dehydrated coats. Seabreeze Oil will strengthen the coat, prevent it from tangling or breaking.
Products for German Shepherd

Coat Rescue

Sensitive Skin Shampoo
Salon Formula Shampoo

Natural All Purpose Spray…

Natural All Purpose Shampoo…